Monday, February 21, 2011

Invasion of the Bee Girls (1973)

A throwback to 50s sci-fi movies with a good amount of 70s nudity, Invasion of the Bee Girls is more fun than it has any right to be. Our story begins in a hilariously crappy fleabag motor lodge where a government researcher is found dead in his room of heart failure do to "extreme exhaustion"- meanwhile, the guy in the next room heard strange humming that he attributed to the television set. Soon, the government has their best man on the case. Admittedly, a middle aged, heavy set man having a massive heart attack isn't exactly a big mystery, so it's not entirely clear why they've put a man on the case; but, okay, plot mechanics ahoy! Anyway, he interviews the dead man's former mistress at length and romance starts

Cut to two pasty, naked motorcyclists making rolling love in the long grass before he drops dead and she walks off making buzzing noises. And in the local frat house, two kids trying to get it on discover a dead frat brother. Clearly, they're not that dedicated to the frat lifestyle since this stops them. Soon, there are enough deaths for the police to warn the public about men dying during sexual intercourse and call for abstinence, leading an angry old fart to call it the stupidest damn thing he's ever seen and insist that he's going to continue, "screwing my old lady and anyone else for that matter!" The local hardhats are pretty convinced it's them damn eggheads in that scientific research center screwin' around with sumpthin or other.

Well, duh. Susan Harris (Anitra Ford of The Big Bird Cage), a sexy entomologist at the institute, who frequently dresses in labcoats without anything under them and huge Gloria Steinem sunglasses, is merging women with bees, a process that involves having women in lab coats with nothing under them strip the patient naked, cover her with a white goop, stick her in a cell full of bees, and then removing the goop and making out with her. And then they all massage their own bare breasts because why not? This is pretty much a 13-year old boy's version of science.

So, the bee girls are killing horny guys by screwing them, with one exception- one of the researchers winds up dead- run over by a car instead of screwed to death. He was homosexual, a fact exposed after our hero discovers his very 70s gay sex pad. Apparently, lava lights mean homosexuality, something I'd always suspected. The Army tries cordoning off the town, but ultimately for the killing spree to end, men have to stop being susceptible to sexy women who want to screw them. In other words, they're doomed.

It's unlikely they were taking any of this nonsense too seriously, but happily the movie plays it straight. It's also about as sleazy as it sounds with nudity a plenty.

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